Our School





Our Vision


MacFarlane Park IB Elementary's vision is to create an advanced elementary program where students become aware of the shared humanity that binds all people together and develop respect for the variety of cultures and attitudes that adds to the richness of life.


We prepare students to meet the challenges of world citizenship with confidence, imagination, and integrity. Though the study of global cultures and people, we cultivate in each student the desire to grow in wisdom, to nurture an open and curious mind and to serve others with a generous spirit.



 Our History


Hugh C. MacFarlane (1851-1935), in 1865, saw tremendous potential in Tampa's economic growth. MacFarlane purchased and platted 200 acres of land just west of the Hillsborough River for development.


In 1926, land donated by MacFarlane became West Tampa Elementary the first elementary school to serve cigar makers’ children. Today, the exterior of MacFarlane Park is a simple white canvas with artifacts from the original building.


Reopened as Hillsborough County's first public International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme school in 2004, it was renamed MacFarlane Park Elementary Magnet School.


With a new mission and school population the school like its namesake, Hugh MacFarlane has made significant contributions to the local West Tampa community.



Our Philosophy


  • Being internationally minded
  • Developing independence and collaboration in pursuit of excellence
  • Valuing mistakes as learning opportunities and recognizing endeavor
  • Treating other as we would like to be treated
  • Recognizing, respecting and actively seeking the ideas and opinions of others
  • Encouraging creativity and innovation
  • Having high expectations of ourselves and others
  • Promoting physical, social and emotional well-being across the community
  • Demonstrating our values through responsible action
  • Our commitment to developing a community of learners




The BEST of the BEST


MacFarlane Park Magnet School is an International Baccalaureate (IB) World School authorized to implement the Primary Years Programme (PYP). The authorization process was completed in February 2007. Every 5 years, each IB school participates in a yearlong self-study and a team of experienced IB Primary Years Program educators conduct an evaluation visit in order to ensure practices at MacFarlane Park are aligned with the IB Standards and Practices.


After each visit, the evaluation team meets with school stakeholders to discuss program strengths and opportunities for growth. These results will help guide our continued implementation of a world-class education for our MacFarlane Park students. Concerned parents naturally seek a quality education for their children and an accredited school provides parents an assurance that their student is receiving a quality education.


In addition to our IB accreditation, MacFarlane Park is recognized as a School of Excellence by Magnet Schools of America and was awarded the title of #1 Elementary Magnet School in America in 2019. In 2021, our school was also designated as a National Demonstration School by Magnet Schools of America. This distinction is also re-evaluated by MSA every 5 years.