We are excited to begin our enrichment programs for the 2024-2025 school year! Registration for each quarter typically opens about 10 days prior to the start of that quarter.
TIME: Programs will run from 2:00-3:00PM on Early Release Mondays. Programs will run from 3:00-4:00PM on Tuesdays-Fridays and on any NON-Early Release Mondays. All programs will run according to the school/district schedule.
PICKUP PROCEDURES: Enrichment Programs end at 4:00 PM on regular release days and 3:00 PM on Early Release Mondays.** If your child is enrolled in HOST, they will be escorted to the HOST program. Otherwise, enrichment program teachers will dismiss students on the covered courts or through the side door of the teacher parking lot. Please wait for your child at this location outside the building. Please do not go to the main door/front desk to pick up your child.
**LATE PICKUP: Please be on time with student pickup. Vendors are unable to stay past student pickup time as they have other obligations following our clubs. The vendor may charge a late fee charge of $10 after the first 10 minutes and $1 per minute after that. If a child has been picked up more than 10 minutes late 3 times within a session, that child will not be allowed to register for programs the next session.
PAYMENT: All fees must be paid through the Homeroom website, unless otherwise indicated. Please contact mfpclubs@gmail.com if this presents a problem for you.
MAX NUMBER OF STUDENTS: Once a program reaches maximum capacity, you will be put on a waiting list and will be notified in the event an opening occurs.
ENRICHMENT PROGRAM CANCELLATION: Each program has a minimum number of students they require to be registered in order to hold that program. If this number is not met, the instructing teacher has the final decision to continue or cancel. Should cancellation occur, we will notify you promptly so that you may choose another enrichment program or make other arrangements for your child.
PTA MEMBERSHIP: Enrichment programs are run by the Macfarlane Park PTA. Please support us by becoming a member - sign up HERE.
Click HERE to set up your profile and view upcoming courses. For questions or support about your Homeroom account, use the chat box in the lower right hand corner on the site. Please note, class list may not reflect the full offerings until registration day.
Enrollment will have a hard close date to allow for any programs cancellations and organize the program rosters.
Please document any adults authorized to pick up your child under "Additional Authorized Pickup Contacts". This can be found by clicking on the "Family" icon and editing your child's details. Students will only be released to individuals listed in Homeroom, so please take the time to document those individuals.
Please email mfpclubs@gmail.com with further questions.