FIRST DAY of School for Students!


Below find our arrival and dismissal directions for car line. A few notes so car line goes as smoothly as possible:

  • Please go to the end of the line on Main Street for pick up and drop off for car line. Refrain from cutting in line on the side roads such as Gomez Avenue and others. This causes road traffic. 
  • HOST AM drop off is at the Main Street entrance. The car line for AM drop off starts a few cars lengths back to give HOST AM students a safe drop off spot.
  • Please DO NOT park and drop off in the teacher parking lot. There are a lot of spots across the street at MacFarlane Park or safe street parking that is not marked with "NO PARKING" signs. 
  • Remember: The first week of school is always the most hectic week! It will get easier/better as time goes by.
Monday, August 12, 2024 8:45am – 2:00pm